We set ourselves high standards to ensure that we always supply the highest quality products.
All of our producers throughout the world are certified companies. We constantly monitor the mechanical and chemical properties of the products ourselves or use affiliated laboratories to do so. We sell only new products and not reclaimed or regenerated materials.
Before introducing new products or suppliers, we visit the production sites ourselves to ensure that the processes are correct and that the supplier complies with our quality guidelines. If a manufacturer does not meet our high quality standards, we will not accept the company as one of our suppliers.
In order to avoid fluctuations in the quality of our products, we have been working primarily with the same suppliers over several years. But as the saying goes: “Trust is good, control is better”. We regularly subject even our long-term suppliers and their products to comprehensive inspections in order to ensure that we can offer our customers products of consistently high quality over the long term.

We guarantee our customers that all our products are of the highest quality standard on the market.